Transform adversities into


“Coffee conjugates the essence of being with the world”

René Buitrón

Coffee and universal culture were two of René's passions, the pillar of Yambamine.

In 2015, after visiting the beautiful Sozoranga in the province of Loja, we visited a mystical place, where captivated by the majesty of its mountains, we decided to start our dream of growing specialty coffee in the middle of this beautiful ecosystem.

Diana Velez

In 2016, after leaving the seedbed ready, unfortunately we lost René, who, having become our angel, guides our steps in this dream come true, of exporting to different parts of the world our specialty coffee with his brand Yambamine.

Familia Buitrón Vélez


There are places with innate abundance, where full harmony flows freely.

  • Yambamine means land of gold, purity and abundance.

  • Is located in the south of Ecuador, at 1700 meters above sea level. surrounded by five natural reserves that feed it with springs rich in minerals.

    These factors, together with the symbiosis with bees, butterflies and hummingbirds that pollinate the plants, make this a privileged environment for the production of specialty coffee, and which, in turn, guarantee an excellent quality of Arabica coffee that has been recognized internationally.

  • A mountain bathed in energy from the sun and the moon.

    Admiring the stars is a fascinating and enriching experience that connects us with the universe and reminds us how rich the world that surrounds us is.


Our coffee around the world

The flavors and nuances are the final expression of a long transformation process that nature carries out by capturing the unique resources of Yambamine, which guarantee the excellent quality of a specialty coffee.

  • Process


    Honey Process: it is an intermediate processing technique between natural coffee and washing. After harvesting, the beans are partially stripped of their pulp, but a layer of mucilage is left attached around the bean during drying. This layer of mucilage contains sugars and other compounds that interact with the yeasts and bacteria present in the grain during the fermentation and drying process. Depending on the degree of pulp removal and drying time, honey coffees can have different flavor profiles, from sweet and fruity notes to more complex profiles with deeper, full-bodied flavors.

    * Ask about our competitive nano lots and micro lots.

  • Process


    Natural Process: It is a post-harvest processing technique in which the coffee beans are dried with the pulp intact and the outer shell.

    After harvest, the beans are spread out on patios or drying beds so that they dry slowly at room temperature. During this process, the yeasts and bacteria present in the coffee cherry interact with the sugars in the mucilage, which contributes to improving the characteristic descriptors of specialty coffee. These yeasts and bacteria can generate a natural fermentation that highlights the flavor and aroma profile of the coffee, where we can find fruity notes, and floral notes that will be reflected in the final cup.

    * Ask about our competitive nano lots and micro lots.

  • Process


    Washed Coffee Process: Consists of removing the pulp and mucilage from the coffee bean after harvest. Once the grains are collected, they are submerged in water for a fermentation process for N number of days. During this stage, the bacteria and yeasts present in the coffee pulp break down the sugars and other organic compounds. Subsequently, the beans are repeatedly washed and dried. In this process, the yeasts and bacteria will highlight the profiles of the coffee bean.

    * Ask about our competitive nano lots and micro lots.



Yambamine Yambamine

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*The delivery of samples may be subject to an additional cost according to our internal policies.


Yambamine works with men and women who add human value to specialty coffee, under standards of excellence that speak of our harmony with the environment and commitment to the community.


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